Thursday, 30 December 2010

Mast Head Analysis

I have decided as this for my masthead, the font will be used on the contents page and on any other main titles.
This mast head will stretch all the way across the top of the front cover like with magazines like KERRANG,which is also where I got the idea of this font from.
This mast head is bold and i think it relects the type of music i am promoting in my magazine (Indie/Alternative Rock) it si an easy simple name to remember 'REVERB' it sounds rock and looks like a magazine Masthead

Possible Mast Heads

These are my 3 possible masthead designs.
The masthead i choose will be stretched across the top of the magazine front cover and the font will be used for titles inside the magazine as well, these 3 ideas came are similar to those found in magazines such as KERRANG.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Analysis of 'THE FLY'

the fly has the large masthead stretching across the entire top of the magazine, this is the same in all of there issues.
They don't have a strap line instead just have the website and a puff saying its free.
The main cover line is clearly showing the highlight of this issue and this is reinforced by the picture, which is staged, of the band 'FOALS'.
The magazine is full of new albums and news about bands and the newest upcoming ones.

The writing inside this magazine is casual, not too formal but not informal either, it seems like the magazine is talking to you like a friend perhaps. There are alot of little bits of information on bands and members, for example 'The singer from KINGS OF LEON appeared on the T.V show iron chef' this just keeps the reader up to date with what the bands are doing. there are also Top 5 Music Singles and albums inside so the reader knows what is new and what they should listen to.
This magazine has a huge circulation mainly because it is free but also because it gives you all you want to know about the music world and what is happening in it.
Published by: Mama Group
Editor:Niall Doherty
Genre: Indie Rock
Frequency: Monthly

This magazine greatly influences my own magazine as it promotes new upcoming bands,as well as established acts, and gets there names around, also it is a indie rock genre which is the same as the magazine i hope to create. And also has all the information about what is going on in the music world so keeps the readers informed and up to date. The style of writing is also an influence as it is very casual and laid back.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Analysis of NME Magazine

NME uses the logo in house style and colour (red and white and black) all the writing on this cover is one of these colours so it all blends with the magazine.
'INSANE' this really reinforces the image of Kasabian, they look slightly crazy on this cover so reflects the cover line. The front cover is a staged shot but sometimes it is just a paparazzi shot.There are a mixture on the inside of staged and paparazzi shots.

As you read the articles we see that the people writing them have had a long life in music and know what they are talking about. We can tell that they are established Journalists and they have grown up with the music magazine . The writings have a lot of references to other bands and band members(who are called by full names) as to suggest that these people know them, they further this by referring to experiences with the band's. It also gives plenty of information to the reader about what is being reviewed, for example there are references to new albums that are due to be released and other songs that have already been released. This magazine has a established reader and a guaranteed buyer every week. The magazine talks to the audience in a very casual way, as if they are having a conversation with them as good friends.

The target audience is 69% male and 31% female about 24 they are students and first time earners.
Started:March 1952 when it was called 'New Musical Express'
Publisher:IPC Media
Editor:Krissi Murison
Frequency: Weekly

This magazine is a great influence of my magazine as it aims itself at the age range i would, the 22 and above mark, also its genre is the indie/ alternative rock type the same as my magazine is based around and also the type of writing and layout has influenced my ideas of my magazine and he way it will be set out.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Mood Board For Target Audience

This is my mood board it shows my target audience. This shows that my Target audience is very much an average teenager, they enjoy skating/BMX they are regular festival people who enjoy rock music and indie.

Pre lim task

This is my pre lim task it is a school magazine aimed at the academic people. I think this was a succesful because it apeals to the target audiance. I would probably change the writing so it all matched and so looked more proffesional also i would have a colour background andmore light on the image.

Introduction to Magazine

Hi I'm Chris, my magazine is called REVERB it is aimed at 16-20 year old men and women. It is a rock magazine which has news ,artist reviews , upcoming tours and recommended new music. It features indie and rock , it would be a monthly magazine with a price of £2.00, you can win things such as live gig tickets and merchandise from various bands.The circulation of this magazine would be between 100,00 and 130,000. I think this is a good idea for a magazine because it is the whole package it is the music mag with a bit more, also the indie/rock is very popular at the moment so i think there is space in the market for this magazine to sell.