Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Evaluation idea

I am going to use 'Prezi' to evaluate my work, it is like a presentation but more intresting, i will include what people thought of my magazine, what i had to change, waht i would do if i could do it again, what type of media distributor would produce it, would it be good for online, who my TA is e.t.c

Friday, 8 April 2011

Final changed Contents page

This is my contents page.

The colour scheme i have used is the same as that of my front cover keeping to my chosen magazine colours and style.

I have columns on the left hand side showing the main articles in the issue so the reader can find out all the big story's and reviews and i have made some lines to organise these so it looks neat and like a real magazine, the dominant image is of the main article which is a review of a band called 'Frenzy' this image is similar to the front cover so is easy for the reader to follow this main article.

I have included a small picture of the main article on the top left so the reader can get a small glimpse of what is to come in this issue.

This is similar to the bottom right corner where i have placed a small picture of the front cover, this idea i have seen through my research in other magazines such as NME and THE FLY, so i Incorporated the idea into my contents page.

I have also used a lot of white box's on the gray background, I think this makes my images stand out a bit more than if they where just on the page as the white pushes them out.
I have also made sure that throughout my pages i have used the same fonts, so the magazine and the writing is recognisable.

As is customary on pages in a magazine i have a reference to the website for more information on the bottom of the contents page.

Final Double page spread, with changes made

This is my final Double page spread.

It has been set out like any normal magazine page, after researching all the ways to do it i decided on the main image on the right page (along with smaller images on the main page which relate to the article) and the questions and answers on the right, this is a style used widely I saw this format used in many issues of NME, Mojo and THE FLY.

The magazine name is also on the top right corner of the Right hand page, this again is something most magazines will do, along with the web address as well.

Once again i have kept with the black and white style, to try and show the anti-mainstream of the music being promoted and also I added columns to separate the different questions and answers.

I have also included small quotes from the articles which is something which i realised a lot of magazines do to give a small indication about the band and the actual article content.

The questions i have asked are ones which would be expected to be asked to a new band, for example things like how long the band has been together how they know each other and their hopes for the future, these i think help the reader get an insight into the type of band they are and the music they play.

Very final Front Cover

This is my final front cover, as you can see it is similar to my previous draft, however i have added some white bold tears behind the main headline, this has been done as to make it almost jump of the page as the black is contrasted against the white.I have kept with my black and white image idea,as I think it shows the music, most mainstream magazines have the full colour , however seeing as Indie is not mainstream I went against the codes and conventions of a regular magazine. I also made the writing much bigger and moved it down, thus showing the importance and that this is the main dominant article and so people can easily see its relation to the front cover image.

I have also added some writing underneath the picture in the top right hand corner, this i have seen in many magazine covers so was something i thought would make mine look authentic. The authenticity is something which has been a very important factor when creating these pages, that's why i have paid particular care to the little things such as the bar code on the bottom right side and the placement of the articles so they have a look which makes you think professional.

I have also tweaked things like the placement of writing such as the web address, this has been moved so that i have less blank spaces and so everything looks more organised and therefore more real or professional.

The colours used are very much similar throughout the whole of the magazine, the black and white effect is one which i haven't changed in this issue, therefore creating a mood or style of this particular magazine or just the issue.