Saturday 1 January 2011

Anaylsis of Double Page spread (NME)

This is a double page spread in NME magazine about 'THE LAST DAYS OF LENNON'.It is a look back at the original rock and roll star that was John Lennon and the issue is the 30th anniversary of his murder. The picture on the right of the page is connected to the front cover and keeps with the theme of that particular issue of NME.

The layout of this page is easy to read and well put together, the main picture shows you straight away what the subject is the title on the second page shows the topic and then there are the paragraphs of writing accompanied by an image of the day of the murder,this is effective because everything is in one place instead of being spread around everywhere.

This is the same type of layout I'm going to use for my double page spread in my magazine.

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