Here are two mastheads from NME magazine, one of them is from when it was fairly new a nd the other is a more recent adaption of it. New Musical Express changed to NME this NME logo is still the same ideas from when it was new but has a modern look about it and sounds more modern ,so it will be appealing to those of a younger audience, also by keeping the name it already has a established reader and is one of the most well known music magazines around today.
The colours of the new NME masthead are the house colours of the magazine ,the red black a nd white, also these fit well with the music being promoted, for example blues and yellows wouldn't really tell the customer that this is a serious rock magazine, whereas the red black and white emphasise that. The mast head looks bold and stands out from other magazines on the shelf. Its a simple yet effective name its catchy and in some ways reflects the muisc being promoted.
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