Thursday 17 March 2011

Front cover 2

This is my second draft for my front cover.

I have gone with a different approach this time with a much bolder picture here, with a low angle on it.

I have kept my idea of the black and white effect to add the feel of my magazine and especially this issue.

I have a colour scheme of Red, white and Black these colours are ones which i will carry throughout the magazine issue.

I have filled up the areas where before there where just blank spaces with things like the main articles and bands featured in the weeks issue. This has been done on the right side, an idea of the black and red i got from a issue of NME.

The top right corner shows something linked to this main article as it seems.

The main headline is trying to stand out and show the whole focus of this issue of 'REVERB'.

I have also included a strap line and a web address which i hope to include on all my pages as is done in the professional magazine.

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